Fotografia de casamento e de família – Belo Horizonte

To be truth to myself

What happens when a bunch of super cheerful Spaniards get together with a group of passionate Italians?

I saw it up close! I was invited by a couple of friends, Virgínia Gimeno and Nano Cañas, to photograph a wedding in the beautiful city of Toledo, World Heritage Site, in Spain. And I had the pleasure of meeting the couple Bianca and Giuseppe. A Ibero-Italian couple.

I took the camera with zero liability, aiming to do everything, everything, everything that my instincts asked without any reservation. I then put together the desire to shoot with the freedom to create to wedding a full of energy, events and interesting and happy people.
The result is there, more grain, more black and white, more cuts and more movement. In addition there are other things I still need to understand. From the moment we take a break from the auto-pilot and start following more our instincts, we are more loyal to ourselves and our work becomes more authorial.
In this wedding I had no responsibility. I really liked the material I produced. Now I have to think of how I am going to photograph the weddings for which I am hired. I need to work with less responsibility, more pleasure and greater creativity. In fact, creativity is directly linked to pleasure! The big ideas appear at light times light and not at times of pressure.

If anyone has a suggestion please share!


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