Fotografia de casamento e de família – Belo Horizonte

Short memory

Today I woke up complaining of life. I had to wake up early to photography… really early. Friday, jumping out of bed shortly before 7? Specially after two weeks of intense workshops? I felt dead tired, broken!

I left the room, went to the balcony. What a beautiful day in Belo Horizonte! Some memories came in flashes. Pain … pain … a lot of pain.
Eight years ago I had another profession. I worked all day long in an office. I was miserable. I suffered from fibromyalgia, a disease that is usually present in the world of women. Its symptoms are unexplained pains. It hurt the whole bodyand for 3 years I sought explanations and ways without success.

For a while I took fluoxetine. In fact doctors, why do so many of you insist on curing the symptoms. Symptom has no cure. …Or does it? Not that I know!

My healing was in my head. A doctor advised me to look for a hobby. Something that would make me happy, enjoy, take care of me, stop smoking, live more lightly, be less demanding of myself (this I still need to improve), because fibromyalgia is the cry of the body before a sick mind that insists on fighting with nature of the person.

I was cured … and for some intants my memory was short. The flashes are gone … Beautiful day in Belo Horizonte, the super blue sky.Let’s go shoot. Being happy is a decision… personal and nontransferable.

PS: Fluoxetine is only good with whiskey!

Thanks to Cris, Erick and Mariana for helping me see it!



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