– Photographic objective Canon 16-35mm II – Series L – New, on the box. I photographed a wedding with it only. I bought it to replace one that had broken, but soon stopped using ZOOM lenses. New!

R $ 4,300.00. Reason – I have only used fixed lenses.

– Camera EOS 60D with less than 800 clicks. New!

$ 2500.00. Reason – I bought it to my wife and she does not use it. Spent money for nothing.

– Camera EOS 5D Mark II. 50 000 clicks and a year of use. It is in good condition and was one of my two officials. Reason – I bought a 1D Mark IV and I will not stay with three bodies. It has signs of use, but the mechanics are perfect.

A $ 5500.00

– Photographic objective Canon 28-300 4 – 5.6 Series L. Very new. I bought 3 years ago but found it heavy and used in 5 weddings and 2 books. It has no scratches.

R $ 4,500.00 – I am selling it very below the price, because I really do not use it, since I do not work with zoom, only fixed lenses.

I’d rather sell them on cash, and I accept proposal if paid in cash. Shipping not included.

Thanks friends!

Those interested can send a message to me right here, ok?


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