According to Wikipedia…
Mother is a being of the female gender who generated life in her
uterus as a consequence of fertilization or who adopts a child or a
baby, who could not stay with its parents for any reason. It is also
the female equivalent for father. The fertilization of human ovule “in
vitro”, in lab or hospitals, in the modern age, extended the millenial
considerations about maternity.
Mother is also, in eny event, the person of the female gender who
adopts and raise a child conceived by somebody else. There are
frequent cases of a mother who performs the role of mother and fater
at the same time, and other cases (rarer) where the father performs
the role of father and mother. There are other families composed by
two mothers or two fathers. In some cases the community, the State, or
even other children pursue to make the rule of mother in the life of
some children or teenagers.
In her honer, every year, on the second Sunday of May (in Brazil) or
on the first Sunday of May (in Portugal), a homage is celebrated to
the mothers, which is known as Mother’s Day.
In my dictionary mother is a supernatural being, plain with goodness
and delicacy. Mother foresees, indulge herself, fondle and warns.
Mother forgives, as sympathy, covers and defends. Mother is sutil and
cheerful. Mother cheers and fights. Mother is resigned and intuitive.
Mother is unexplainable. Mother defends her children. Mother puts
herself in the backgroud. Mother’s hand pampers, mother’s eyes admires
and big heart is a mother’s heart. To be mother then is to be big,
huge, gigantic, as big as the universe.
Here is my sincere homage to these special beings who fascinate me,
starting by my mum, Mrs Eulália.
Thank you Mum! Thank you very much