Oscar Wilde
In October, I photographed the talented and friendly poet, Joaquín Perez Azaústre and his lovely wife Maria Del Mar, and I can say it was an nonsuch marriage. Indeed all have their brilliance, but this was something very different. The bright, inquisitive and restless pupils recited by Oscar Wilde, remember?
There were many surprises, difficult to explain how these people are kind and how they value those who surround them. A wedding with interesting people, an intensive course of life 2 days long that still leaves peaces in digestion inside my mind heart.
Photographed intriguing and also very interested people. A photogenic wedding, smeared with poetry, fantastic details such as tables with the specific characteristics of the groups that sat on them. Mine was customized, the photography table, with plaque and all. Good music, good wine, smiles, tobacco (a lot of tobacco), dancing, happy people, characters and caricatures. I was enraptured, trying to understand what was in the mind of each one who was there while taking pictures of them. It was like a movie. Sometimes in slow motion, others in advance 24X. I got get closer to people than usual. They, with open arms, lived with my lenses without giving it much concern. They did, and did not care for me. When we let ourselves to feel at ease, doors then creak open.
End of party, quick shower at the hotel, drive to Seville, delayed flight, 36 hours on the return trip to home and forced pause for reflection. Only then I could understand and assimilate that photography is not only therapy and profession but also it is a powerful agent of change. Especially when one is open-hearted or, in my case, so tired that could not fight against such learning. The photography is also hard and showed me a lot of “cosas” in only a couple of days. I came home with some more pieces of the puzzle in their proper places.
I photographed three other weddings after Joaquín and Maria’s. As my photography is a mirror of who I am and reflection of my attitudes, I shall stop to reflect and understand what and why of what I saw. Enough always trying to follow the moral of the story.
Moral: sometimes to be so well treated like that way even hurts. It means to take stock and feel small and the obligation to change the relationship with people. So follow my evolution as a photographer and as a person, but not necessarily in that order.
Below, scenes of the next chapters …